Fee Structure
Fees/Funds/ and applicable charges are to be deposited in the Accounts Office in cash or through A/C Payee Crossed Cheques with Father's Name, Student's Name, Class, Sec, Mob. No., drawn in favour of "Kripa Devi. Charitable Society OR "J.K. Modern School" by 15th of each month. But, LATE PAYMENT FINE shall be charged @ Rs. 10/-per day with effect from 16th of the month. Now, Parents can deposit fee with their Debit / Credit cards also.
The names of the fee defaulters shall be struck off the Rolls on the Last Working Day of the month. Re-Admission of the defaulter student shall be done on payment of Rs. 500/- as Re-Admission Fee. along with Balance Fee if any.
In case the Student's Cheque is dishonoured for any reason, his /her name shall be automatically struck off the Roll. As such, Re-Admission can be made on payment of all outstanding dues, along with re-Admission Fee. A fine of Rs. 300/- shall be levied against the bounced cheques.
NOTE:- No Cheque for Outstation Clearance or Post-Dated Cheques shall be accepted. Fee & Funds, once paid by Parents, are Non- Refundable/ Non Adjustable in any way.
The annual 10% Discount shall be given to parents who deposit fee charges in :Lump sum at one time. 2.5% Discount for Quarterly fee deposit by parents will also be given.